Archives for 2015
- Sun 01 February 2015
- Blogging: Hello World!
- Mon 02 February 2015
- Blogging: Future-dating static blog content
- Tue 03 February 2015
- Linux: Transferring many small files [3 comments]
- Wed 04 February 2015
- Linux: Out of inodes, what now?
- Thu 05 February 2015
- Nokia N9: Tracker troubles
- Fri 06 February 2015
- Linux: Child process not in ps?
- Sat 07 February 2015
- Blogging: My first Pelican plugin
- Sun 08 February 2015
- Humor: Man Humor
- Mon 09 February 2015
- Linux: Logging online status
- Tue 10 February 2015
- Linux: SSH multiplexing
- Wed 11 February 2015
- Linux: Setting up rTorrent
- Thu 12 February 2015
- Linux: Title filtering for Liferea
- Fri 13 February 2015
- Linux: Twitter via RSS
- Sat 14 February 2015
- Linux: SSH multiplexing options
- Sun 15 February 2015
- Humor: sh Rube Goldbergs
- Mon 16 February 2015
- Linux: Checking for unsafe shell constructs
- Tue 17 February 2015
- Linux: Compile on save
- Thu 19 February 2015
- Web: DNSSEC on hosted DNS
- Fri 20 February 2015
- Web: Secure HTTPS without DANE
- Sat 21 February 2015
- Linux: 256 color terminals
- Sun 22 February 2015
- Linux: 256 color hostnames
- Mon 23 February 2015
- Linux: Type your SSH passphrase less often
- Tue 24 February 2015
- Blogging: Changing Pelican URL scheme
- Thu 26 February 2015
- Linux: Floats in shell
- Fri 27 February 2015
- Linux: Hash-based hostname colors
- Sat 28 February 2015
- Linux: Better hash-based colors
- Sun 01 March 2015
- Linux: Reverse sequence for tr
- Mon 02 March 2015
- Web: Generate and download file in TypeScript
- Wed 04 March 2015
- Linux: Download all items in a podcast
- Thu 05 March 2015
- Linux: Mysterious Twitter scraping bug
- Fri 06 March 2015
- Linux: Monitor all the things
- Sat 07 March 2015
- Blogging: Speeding up Pelican's regenerate
- Sun 08 March 2015
- Programming: Some things not allowed are compulsory
- Mon 09 March 2015
- Linux: Which command will be run?
- Tue 10 March 2015
- Linux: Blend effect slideshow using shell
- Thu 12 March 2015
- Linux: Making :w work everywhere
- Fri 13 March 2015
- Web: Better fonts through ligatures
- Sat 14 March 2015
- Linux: Pi in shell
- Sun 15 March 2015
- Linux: Listing files into a file
- Mon 16 March 2015
- Linux: Useful vim plugins
- Wed 18 March 2015
- Programming: SDL screensaver hangs on exit
- Thu 19 March 2015
- Programming: Rarely drawing screen in SDL
- Fri 20 March 2015
- LaTeX: LaTeX table environment in Madoko
- Sat 21 March 2015
- Web: Custom Bullshit Sans
- Thu 26 March 2015
- Linux: The clipboard in the command-line
- Fri 27 March 2015
- Linux: Fixing broken alternatives
- Sat 28 March 2015
- Linux: Impromptu dice
- Mon 30 March 2015
- Linux: Detachable X sessions
- Wed 01 April 2015
- Linux: PulseAudio
- Thu 02 April 2015
- Linux: How not to fix USB HID errors
- Fri 03 April 2015
- Linux: Read-only filesystem errors
- Sat 04 April 2015
- Linux: Identifying joystick devices
- Sun 05 April 2015
- ROM hacking: Shadowrun's text compression
- Mon 06 April 2015
- Linux: Emulating Xbox controllers on Linux
- Sun 12 April 2015
- Humor: Emotional error messages
- Sun 26 April 2015
- Linux: Application bypassing PulseAudio
- Sun 03 May 2015
- Linux: Volume via shell