A Weird Imagination

SSH multiplexing

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The problem#

If you are making a lot of SSH connections, starting each connection can add noticeable overhead. Even worse, a firewall might start blocking the connections as many SSH connections from the same source looks a lot like an attacker trying to guess a password, as one of my officemates discovered recently.

The solution#

SSH has a feature called multiplexing, which is described in this blog post, along with a few other useful SSH tips. Here's the relevant excerpt:

In a shell:

$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh/connections
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/connections

Add this to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/connections/%r_%h_%p

The details#

While ssh is often used as just a secure version of telnet, it's actually closer to being a VPN system, supporting many channels of communication over the same encrypted link, which is how port forwarding over SSH is implemented.

Normally SSH makes a connection and opens a single channel for the terminal. Multiplexing merely means keeping that connection open for additional terminal channels. The settings described tell SSH to keep track of open connections in ~/.ssh/connections/ and automatically reuse an open connection whenever possible.

The firewall#

The firewall which caused this post to get written was keeping track of how many new SSH connections were made to a host and only allow a maximum of 3 new connections each minute. As the firewall was not paying attention to whether the connections were accepted, my officemate's script which performed multiple copies and remote commands was getting blocked.


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