A Weird Imagination

HTTP over Unix sockets

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The problem#

Previously, I wrote about using named pipes for IPC to allow controlling a process by another process running on the same computer possibly as a different user, with the access control set by file permissions. But I observed that the restricted unidirectional communication mechanism limited how useful it could be, suggesting another design might be better in settings where bidirectional communication including confirmation of commands may be useful.

Is there a good general solution to this problem without losing the convenience of access control via file permissions?

The solution#

Let's use everyone's favorite RPC mechanism: HTTP. But HTTP normally runs over TCP, and even if we bind to localhost, the HTTP server would still be accessible to any user on the same computer and require selecting a port number that's not already in use. Instead, we can bind the HTTP server to a Unix socket, which similar to named pipes, look a lot like a file, but allow communication like a network socket.

Python's built-in HTTP server doesn't directly support binding to a Unix socket, but the following is slightly modified from an example I found of how to get it to:

import http.server
import json
import os
import socket
import sys
import traceback

def process_cmd(cmd, *args):
    print(f"In process_cmd({cmd}, {args})...")

class HTTPHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_POST(self):
        size = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
        body = self.rfile.read(size)
        args = json.loads(body) if body else []
            result = process_cmd(self.path[1:], *args)
            self.send(200, result or 'Success')
        except Exception:
            self.send(500, str(traceback.format_exc()))

    def do_GET(self):

    def send(self, code, reply):
        # avoid exception in server.py address_string()
        self.client_address = ('',)

sock_file = sys.argv[1]
except OSError:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

server = http.server.HTTPServer(sock_file, HTTPHandler,
server.socket = sock


Then you can query the server using curl:

$ ./server.py http.socket &
$ curl --unix-socket http.socket http://anyhostname/foo
[GET response...]
$ curl --unix-socket http.socket http://anyhostname/foo \
    --json '["some", "args"]'
[POST reponse...]

or in Python, using requests-unixsocket:

import requests_unixsocket
session = requests_unixsocket.Session()
host = "http+unix//http.socket/"
r = session.get(host + "foo")
# Inspect r.status_code and r.text or r.json()
r = session.post(host + "foo", json=["some", "args"])
# Inspect r.status_code and r.text or r.json()

The details#

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Client/server over named pipes

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The problem#

Firefox Marionette only allows a single client to connect a time, so I'd like to have a program in charge of holding that connection that can communicate with the other parts of the system that know what I want Firefox to actually do. While a common way of handling this is to run an HTTP server, that seems pretty heavyweight and would allow access to any user on the machine.

This can be generalized to any case where we want to be able to control one program from another on the same computer. Some reasons why we might not be able to simply act from the first program is if the latter has different access permissions or is holding onto some state like, as mentioned, an open socket.

The solution#

The two programs can communicate over a named pipe, also known as a FIFO. The mkfifo command creates one on the filesystem:

$ mkfifo a_pipe
$ chown server_uid:clients_gid a_pipe
$ chmod 620 a_pipe

Then you can use tail -f a_pipe to watch the pipe and echo something > pipe to write to the pipe. To add a bit more structure, here's a very simple server and client in Python where the client sends one command per line as JSON and the server processes the commands one at a time:

# server.py
import fileinput
import json

def process_cmd(cmd, *args):
    print(f"In process_cmd({cmd})...")

for line in fileinput.input():
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Command failed:")
        print(ex, flush=True)
# client.py
import json
import sys

# Run the server.
$ tail -f a_pipe | python server.py
# Send some commands using the client.
$ python client.py cmd foo bar > a_pipe
$ python client.py another_cmd baz > a_pipe

Then the server will print out

In process_cmd(cmd)...
In process_cmd(another_cmd)...

The details#

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Scripting control of web browser

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The problem#

Previously, I showed how to get Firefox to show just the web content without any of the window borders or toolbars. But there's an obvious problem: those UI elements are actually useful for doing things with the browser. We can give a single URL as an argument when we start the browser, and that may be good enough for some use-cases, but what if we want to have more control over what the browser is displaying?

The solution#

Firefox has a feature for running automated tests called Marionette which we can use for automating Firefox outside of the context of running tests. There's an official Python client:

$ pip install marionette_driver
$ firefox --marionette &
$ python
>>> from marionette_driver.marionette import Marionette
>>> client = Marionette('localhost', port=2828)
>>> client.start_session()
{'browserName': 'firefox', ... }
>>> client.navigate('https://example.com/')

If it works, you should see Firefox load the URL https://example.com/.

You can find more information on the available commands on the basics page and the documentation.

The details#

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Relative links in feeds

The problem#

In an RSS/Atom feed, relative links are a bad idea because it's unclear what they're relative to. There are ways to specify a base for them to be relative to, but since feed readers do not consistently respect those mechanisms, it's safer to just always use absolute URLs in feeds. And Pelican recommends setting RELATIVE_URLS = False to always generate absolute URLs. But that setting does not apply to the anchor links generated by the Markdown toc extension to link to headers.

The solution#

I wrote a Pelican plugin, absolute_anchors which rewrites all link destinations starting with # in every article to add the absolute URL of the article at the beginning of the link.

The details#

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Reacting to active window

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The problem#

Which window I have focused is a signal to the computer for the state I want it to be in. For instance, I normally leave my speaker muted so, for example, I don't accidentally play sound from a website with unexpected videos. But this means that when I do want sound, I need to manually unmute the sound, even though I've already told the computer that I want to watch Netflix, which always involves turning on the sound.

Of course, for the particular problem of unmuting the sound, adding a keyboard shortcut and rereading xkcd 1205: Is It Worth the Time? probably would have been a more appropriate solution. But I wanted a general solution to the problem.

The solution#

Download x11_watch_active_window.py. Then the following script will unmute the speakers if Netflix is focused:

x11_watch_active_window.py | while read -r FocusApp
    if [ "Netflix - Google Chrome" = "$FocusApp" ]
        echo Netflix is focused, unmuting.
        pactl set-sink-mute 0 0

The details#

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Virtual microphone using GStreamer and PulseAudio

The problem#

My previous post got the video from my smartphone to show up as a camera device on my desktop, but for a video chat, we probably also want audio. So, now the question is: how to build GStreamer pipelines that will allow minimal-webrtc-gstreamer to use virtual microphone and speaker devices that I can point a voice/video chat application at, allowing me to use my smartphone's microphone and speaker for applications on my desktop.

The solution#

The following requires that you are using PulseAudio as your sound server and have downloaded minimal-webrtc-gstreamer:

pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=virtspk \
pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=virtmic \
pactl load-module module-remap-source \
    master=virtmic.monitor source_name=virtmic \
    --url "https://apps.aweirdimagination.net/camera/"\
    --receiveAudioTo device=virtmic\
    --sendAudio "pulsesrc device=virtspk.monitor"\
    --sendVideo false --receiveVideo false

You can reset your PulseAudio configuration by killing PulseAudio:

pulseaudio -k

You can make the PulseAudio settings permanent by following these instructions to put them in your default.pa file.

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Virtual web cam using GStreamer and v4l2loopback

The problem#

I want to make my smartphone's camera appear as an actual camera device on my desktop so any application (primarily Discord) can use it like it were a normal USB web cam.

My previous post introduced minimal-webrtc-gstreamer, which got as far as getting the video stream from any web browser into a GStreamer pipeline, which reduces the problem to outputting a GStreamer pipeline into a virtual web cam device.

The solution#

Download minimal-webrtc-gstreamer and install v4l2loopback. Then run

sudo modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr="42"\
    exclusive_caps=1 max_buffers=2
    --url "https://apps.aweirdimagination.net/camera/"\
    --receiveVideoTo /dev/video42\
    --sendAudio false

You can test by watching the stream with

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video42 ! autovideosink

Note that some applications, including the current desktop release of Discord may not support the virtual camera, showing a solid black square or failing to connect to it at all. It should work in the latest Chromium/Chrome browser, including for the Discord web app.

When done, remove the virtual camera device:

sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback

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GStreamer WebRTC

The problem#

In my previous posts on minimal-webrtc, I set up a peer-to-peer connection between the web browsers on two different devices. For more flexibility, including making the remote camera and microphone appear as local camera and microphone devices, we need to handle the WebRTC connection outside of a web browser.

The solution#

minimal-webrtc-gstreamer is a command-line client for minimal-webrtc written in Python using the GStreamer library. It's mostly a modification of the webrtc-sendrecv.py demo script to use minimal-webrtc as the signaling server to make it easier for me to tinker with.

Run as follows:

    --url "https://apps.aweirdimagination.net/camera/"\
    --receiveAudio --receiveVideo any

It will output a URL as text and QR code for the other device to connect to. With those options, the output from that device's camera will be shown on screen and the output from its microphone will be played through your speakers. That device will be sent video and audio test patterns. See ./minimal-webrtc-host.py --help for more information.

The details#

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Extracting slides from video presentations

The problem#

Washington state has been holding a lot of press conferences with updates about the COVID-19 situation recently. The information has always been summarized in a few slides during the video, but those slides and explanatory text are only posted separately several hours to a day later.

The solution#

youtube-dl will download videos off Twitter just given the URL of the tweet like this one. Then clone and run slide-detector:

./slide-detector.py video.mp4 473 105 727 397

(requires opencv-python) where video.mp4 is the filename of the video and the relevant section of the video is a 727x397 rectangle whose top-left corner is at the coordinates (473, 105), which is the correct rectangle to crop the linked video to just the main video section (i.e. omitting the ASL interpreter who is always on screen). Omit the numbers to not crop the video.

The script will output the slides as image files in the current directory with names like static_at_3:55.jpg for the slide that appears on the screen 3 minutes and 55 seconds into the video.

The details#

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Long Polling in Django Channels

The problem#

In a web app where the display should be constantly up-to-date, the client needs some way to get up-to-date information from the server. One of the simplest ways to do so is to regularly (every few seconds) query the server asking if there is new information. This involves making a lot of requests and is wasteful of bandwidth and processor time on both the client and server (the latter can be improved with caching).

If updates are rare, it makes much more sense for the server to notify the client when they occur, but HTTP is designed around the client making requests to the server, not the other way around. And, furthermore, the Django web framework (like many web frameworks) is built around that model.

The solution#

Of course, this is a well-understood problem and there are a wide variety of APIs and libraries to solve it discussed on the Wikipedia page for Comet. The main workarounds are WebSockets which is a very flexible technology for two-way communication in a web browser and long polling which is a simpler technique which involves merely having the server not answer a request immediately and instead wait until it actually has an update to reply with.

In the rest of this blog post, I discuss the changes I made to convert a Django-based web app that I originally wrote to use a basic polling pattern and hosted using uWSGI to instead use long polling and be hosted using Gunicorn/Uvicorn. I also cover nginx configuration including hosting the app in a subdirectory.

The details#

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