A Weird Imagination

Remote graphical troubleshooting

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The problem#

For various reasons you might want graphical access to another computer, since some things can't be done over a text interface, including actually designing and troubleshooting what the graphical interface looks like. The other computer might be in a remote location across the internet, in a different room, or simply have a less convenient form factor like a tablet or television, so it's easier to use your desktop's keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

The solution#

The standard solution for this is VNC, specifically the x11vnc VNC server.

To keep a VNC server open to the current X11 session:

x11vnc -usepw -nevershared -forever -localhost -loop &
#... (run one or more graphical applications that block)
# When done, kill everything.
rkill $$

Then to connect to it, assuming the hostname is tablet and you're set up to connect to it via SSH:

$ vncviewer -via tablet -passwd ~/.vnc/tab-passwd localhost

This assumes you've created a ~/.vnc/passwd password file on the server by running

$ x11vnc -storepasswd

and entering something at the prompt from your favorite password generator. No need to save the password anywhere as the file itself is the actual password; just copy it to the client at ~/.vnc/tab-passwd to match the path used in the example above.

The details#

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Streams and socket and pipes, oh my

You know, like "lions and tigers and bears, oh my"… okay, not funny, moving on…

The problem#

There's a lot of different ways to transmit streams of bytes between applications on the same host or different hosts with various reasons you might want to use each one. And sometimes the two endpoints might disagree on which one they want to be using.

The solution#

As it turns out, there actually is a single answer to bridging any two byte streams: socat. The documentation has plenty of examples. Here's a few I made up involving named pipes and Unix sockets to go along with my recent posts:

Bridge a pair of named pipes to a Unix socket#

socat UNIX-LISTEN:test.sock 'PIPE:pipe_in!!PIPE:pipe_out'

Builds a bridge such that a client sees a Unix socket test.sock and the server communicates through two named pipes, pipe-in to send data over the socket and pipe_out to read the data received over the socket.

Connect to Unix socket HTTP server via TCP#

socat TCP-LISTEN:8042,fork,bind=localhost \

For an HTTP server accepting connections via the Unix socket http.sock, makes it also accept connections via the TCP socket localhost:8042.

Forward a Unix socket over an SSH connection#

socat EXEC:"ssh remote 'socat UNIX-CLIENT:service.sock -'" \

Note ssh can do the same without socat (including supporting either side being a TCP port):

ssh -N -L ./proxy-to-remote.sock:./service.sock remote

But that demonstrates combining socat and ssh for getting access to streams only accessible from a remote computer.

The details#

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Serverless WebRTC

The problem#

While in my last post, I said serverless WebRTC was too cumbersome, I wanted to try to see how streamlined I could make the process. While researching, I did find a variant of serverless-webrtc called serverless-webrtc-qrcode as well as a similar demo, webrtc-qr that both use QR codes as an easy way to transmit the offer strings. But both require that both sides have a camera to scan QR codes, while my use case is a WebRTC connection between my desktop without a camera and my smartphone.

The solution#

minimal-webrtc now has a checkbox to enable serverless mode. In that mode, the QR code shown by the host is a much longer URL that includes the initial WebRTC offer. Opening that URL on another device (or in another browser window) will show another QR code along with a "Copy" button. With the first device, either press the "Scan QR code" button and point it at the QR code or use some other mechanism to copy the text and paste it into the text area labeled "Paste offer here:".

To run it locally, download the source code and run a web server to serve the wwwroot/ directory. If both devices can run a web server, then you can just access it via localhost on each, but, as before, because WebRTC requires HTTPS, to run it on your local network, you may need to set up a self-signed certificate.

The details#

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Detachable X sessions

X forwarding#

Normally with X, it's easy to run an application on a remote computer just by using X forwarding:

local:~$ ssh -X host
host:~$ echo $DISPLAY
host:~$ xterm

The xterm will appear on your local computer.

But if you want to continue working with that application on a different remote computer (or once you are physically in front of the computer it is running on), then you're out of luck.

For an application running in the terminal, you can start it inside a GNU Screen (or tmux) session which you can detach and then attach to again on another ssh connection.

GNU Screen for X#

xpra (X Persistent Remote Applications) lets you move graphical applications from one computer to another in addition to fixing other problems with X forwarding. If you instead use xpra for the forwarding, then you can detach and reattach to the session at will.

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Type your SSH passphrase less often

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The problem#

SSH public key authenication can make SSH much more convenient because you do not need to type a password for every SSH connect. Instead, in common usage, the first time you connect, GNOME Keyring, KWallet, or your desktop environment's equivalent will pop up and offer to keep your decrypted private key securely in memory. Those programs will remember your key until the next time you reboot your computer (or possibly until you log out completely and log back in).

But those are tied to your desktop environment. If you are not at a GUI, either using a computer in text-mode using a console or connecting over SSH, then you do not have access to those programs.

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DNSSEC on hosted DNS

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DNS is the system that provides information on hostnames like the IP address of aweirdimagination.net so your browser can connect to this website. DNSSEC is an extension which uses cryptographic signatures in order to verify that information is actually correct, preventing certain classes of attacks which could cause you to believe you are connecting to one server while actually connecting to a computer under the attacker's control. Additionally, since DNSSEC verifies information obtained through DNS has not been tampered with, it allows for DNS to be used for certificates, so servers can be authenticated for encrypted protocols without the need for relying on certificate authorities.

The problem#

Unfortunately, DNSSEC support is not widespread in clients or servers. Particularly, I did not want to run my own DNS server and have to worry about keeping it updated and being aware of any security vulnerabilities. I wanted to be able to, for a reasonable price, have a domain with full DNSSEC support and use it for securely advertising the https certificate for this website and the ssh server key for the web server. (Admittedly, I am trusting the DNS host more than strictly necessary, but realistically, they are also my registrar so they could simply publish their own keys for my domain if they wanted to take it over.)

The solution#

I settled on using easyDNS, since they were the only DNS hosting provider I could find that offered what I wanted; specifically, they very recently added support for TLSA and SSHFP records (for https and ssh keys, respectively). I later found mentions of RAGE4, which also looks like it should work.

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SSH multiplexing options

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In my previous post on SSH multiplexing, I gave the following to add to your ~/.ssh/config file without explaining what it actually means:

Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/connections/%r_%h_%p

The documentation for ~/.ssh/config can be found at ssh_config(5). Four options are relevant to this post:

The config file is broken up in to sections based on which hosts the configuration options apply to. Host * means these options apply to all connections. If you wanted the options to apply only when connecting to example.com, you could change that line to Host example.com.
Actually, you can also limit configuration options by things other than just the host using the Match directive. For example, this configuration has options for connecting with the username git, presumably due to having multiple git servers that use that username.
Tells ssh to use multiplexing. Specifically, the default is no, which means it will look for an already open master connection. To actually open a master connection, yes or ask can be used, the latter means that a password prompt will appear when connecting to that master connection. The more useful options for a config file are the auto and autoask options which will use an already open connection if exists, but fall back to acting like yes and ask respectively otherwise.
In order to connect to the master connection, ssh needs a way to communicate with it. This is handled by the master creating a Unix socket which future ssh instances look for. Unix sockets are an IPC mechanism which allows two processes on the same machine to communicate via a connection initiated by one process creating a socket identified by a filename and another using that special file to connect. In comparison with TCP, every server needs its own port number that the client needs to know and any client can connect as long as it knows the port number.
Unix sockets are identified by filenames and ControlPath specifies the filename to use for the socket The %r, %h, %p parts mean the filename should include the remote username, hostname, and port number in order to identify which ssh session is which.
This should usually be enough, but if your home directory is shared among multiple computers, as is common in some university and other large organization setups, then you will also need %l to identify which host you are connecting from. Otherwise ssh may get confused by master connections created by a different host. Luckily, ssh provides a shortcut, which is the %C option which is a hash of all 4 (although it is not available on older versions of ssh):
ControlPath ~/.ssh/connections/%C

or, if you are a disto which does not have %C yet like the latest Ubuntu LTS:

ControlPath ~/.ssh/connections/%L_%h_%p_%r

I used %L for the short version of the local hostname (for example, if %l is foo.example.com, %L would be just foo) because when I used %l, my system complained the filename was too long.

Keep in mind that the socket file is security critical because it is used to piggyback on your existing ssh sessions without authenticating (unless you use the ask or autoask options for ControlMaster), so make sure your ~/.ssh/connections/ directory is readable only by you:

chmod 700 ~/.ssh/connections
Not used above, the ControlPersist option lets you control when the master connection actually closed. When set to no, it closes with the initial connect. When set to yes it stays open until explicitly closed with ssh -O exit. It can also be set to a length of time to stay open after the last connection is closed.
While the default of ControlPersist is not clearly stated in the documentation, I checked the source code to confirm it does default to no: the default value is set to 0 here if it is still set to its initial value of -1, which is the same value it is given if the configuration file says no.

SSH multiplexing

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The problem#

If you are making a lot of SSH connections, starting each connection can add noticeable overhead. Even worse, a firewall might start blocking the connections as many SSH connections from the same source looks a lot like an attacker trying to guess a password, as one of my officemates discovered recently.

The solution#

SSH has a feature called multiplexing, which is described in this blog post, along with a few other useful SSH tips. Here's the relevant excerpt:

In a shell:

$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh/connections
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/connections

Add this to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/connections/%r_%h_%p

The details#

While ssh is often used as just a secure version of telnet, it's actually closer to being a VPN system, supporting many channels of communication over the same encrypted link, which is how port forwarding over SSH is implemented.

Normally SSH makes a connection and opens a single channel for the terminal. Multiplexing merely means keeping that connection open for additional terminal channels. The settings described tell SSH to keep track of open connections in ~/.ssh/connections/ and automatically reuse an open connection whenever possible.

The firewall#

The firewall which caused this post to get written was keeping track of how many new SSH connections were made to a host and only allow a maximum of 3 new connections each minute. As the firewall was not paying attention to whether the connections were accepted, my officemate's script which performed multiple copies and remote commands was getting blocked.

Transferring many small files

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The problem#

Transferring many small files is much slower than you would expect given their total size.

The solution#

tar c directory | pv -abrt | ssh target 'cd destination; tar x'


cd destination; ssh source tar c directory | pv -abrt | tar x

The details#

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