A Weird Imagination

Devlog: Folklife schedule user script (2 of 2): fighting React

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The problem#

Last time, I built a user script that could run on the Folklife 2024 schedule page1 and reorganize it so it would display the schedule as a grid. But it was brittle and awkward to use because it requiring careful ordering of the interactions with the page and reloading to view a different day's schedule.

The solution#

After failing to come up with an appropriate place to add an event handler, I gave up and took a different approach. I modified the script to work fine if it's run multiple times (and exit quickly if there's no work to do), even if the page is not in a valid state, and then simply set it to rerun every half second. Definitely a hack, but it worked.

Here's the final version of the user script and the Git repo showing the version history.

The details#

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Devlog: Folklife schedule user script (1 of 2): building the grid

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The problem#

The Folklife 2024 schedule page1 is a schedule grid: locations are along the x-axis and time is along the y-axis. Except it's not actually arranged as a grid: each column is just stacked in order with no correspondence to the other columns or the absolute times of the events. Glancing at the code, I noticed the schedule data was available in JSON format, so it should be pretty easy write a user script to display the schedule in a slightly different format.

But when I went to actually make the changes, I found the code is obfuscated React that turned out to be tricky to modify.

The solution#

I was able to write this user script (git repo), which changes the display from the columns of events to a schedule grid. It even works on Firefox mobile, although only if you explicitly request the desktop site.

The details#

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