A Weird Imagination

Killing pipes from within

The problem#

Last week, I mentioned that I needed a hack to kill xprop that seemed like it should be unnecessary. Specifically, I had its output piped to a Bash while read loop and once that had found a line to act on, there was no further need to get more lines from xprop, but break or exit didn't result in xprop exiting.

The solution#

Use $BASHPID to get the actual PID of the subshell, ps to climb the process tree to the appropriate parent and pkill to kill its children:

some_pipeline |
  while read -r line
    # Do whatever until ready to kill the pipe...
    # ... then kill it:
    ppid=$(ps -o ppid:1= "$ppid")
    pkill -9 -P "$ppid" 

Rewrite appfinder-and-focus.sh from last time:

xprop -spy -root _NET_CLIENT_LIST | stdbuf -oL head -2 |
  while read -r l
    winid="${l/#*, /}"
    if [[ $(xdotool getwindowname "$winid") == \
      "Application Finder" ]]
      xdotool windowactivate "$winid"
      ppid=$(ps -o ppid:1= "$ppid")
      pkill -9 -P "$ppid" 
  done) 2>/dev/null &
xfce4-appfinder &

The details#

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