A Weird Imagination

Ordering saves by date

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The problem#

Last week, I shared a script which continuously backed up game saves whenever the game saved. The result is a series of directories that contain snapshots of the game saves from every autosave. But to view this data, we really want a list of unique files in order marked with the time they were created.

The solution#

The following will create symbolic links to the unique files named after their modification date:

for i in /tank/factorio/.zfs/snapshot/*/*.zip
  ln -sf "$i" "$(stat --printf=%y "$i").zip"

or if you want a custom date format, you can use date:

  ln -sf "$i" "$(date -r "$i" +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).zip"

Alternatively, the following will just list the unique files with their timestamps:

find /tank/factorio/.zfs/snapshot/ -printf "%T+ %p\n" \
    | sort | uniq --check-chars=30

The details#

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Timezones and scheduling tasks with at

The problem#

My system for automatically posting future-dated blog posts mysteriously stopped working recently. The posts would appear if I manually published the blog, but not with the automatic scheduling mechanism.

The solution#

In schedule_publish.sh, I changed the line

echo "$0" | at -q g $time


if [ "$(date -d "$time PST" +'%s')" -ge "$now" ]
    echo "$0" | at -q g -t "$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M' -d "$time PST")"

(where "PST" is the timezone of this blog; adjust as appropriate for your blog). $now is initialized with

now="$(date +'%s')"

before the call to make publish to avoid a race condition.

The details#

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