A Weird Imagination

Building a computer (1 of 2): part selection

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The problem#

I recently helped a friend with building a computer. While there's plenty of guides online, I thought I'd write down my own thoughts of everything I was considering for this recent computer build.

The intended use of the computer was as an inexpensive but expandable gaming PC. Meaning it should be able to comfortably play relatively recent games at an acceptable framerate, but not at max settings. And hopefully that should continue to be true for at least a year or two. And when it does get to be too underpowered for even low-end gaming, it should be possible to fix that by replacing parts, not the entire computer.

The solution#

Most of planning a computer build is using PCPartPicker and NewEgg to search for the components and NewEgg and Tom's Hardware for reviews (the former for specific components, the latter for selecting things like how powerful a CPU/GPU you need).

I am intentionally avoiding specific component recommendations in this post because those would be out-of-date pretty much immediately.

The PCPartPicker interface will guide you to what categories of components you will need, and help you determine which parts are compatible with each other. The required components for a functioning computer are a motherboard, a CPU (and cooler if not included), memory (RAM), and a power supply. You will almost always also want storage (an SSD), a case, and additional cooling (usually fans to install in the case). Most of the time you will also want a video card (GPU), but modern processors often have a very underpowered one built-in, which is usually sufficient if you aren't playing games or otherwise using a GPU.

Note that I am not including peripherals. To actually use the computer, you will probably want a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and possibly speakers. But those are easily moved among different computers.

The details#

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Devlog: Supply Challenge Plus (2 of 2): implementation

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The problem#

Last week, I talked about the modifications I and others wanted to make to the Supply Challenge scenario that comes with Factorio. This week I'll talk about actually making those modifications.

The solution#

If you just want to play the modified version, you can install my mod Supply Challenge Plus (source code on GitHub). The Mod Portal page describes what changes it makes and has screenshots of the UI with various choices for the settings to customize it.

The details#

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Devlog: Supply Challenge Plus (1 of 2): requirements gathering

The problem#

Factorio comes with a scenario called Supply Challenge which is a shorter, more directed experience than the standard "Freeplay" game mode. It replaces the pressure from enemies attacking your base with a series of timed requests where you have to provided a pre-defined set of items within a time limit with a new request every several minutes. This both can be good for new players to have guidance on what they should be working on next and for experienced players as getting everything done within the time limit can be, as the name suggests, a challenge. As those are two somewhat opposing goals, I wanted to add settings to make it better for both use cases.

But first was the question that precedes many coding projects: has someone already done this?1 And the related question: has anyone suggested doing it and what features did they find important that might be worth considering in the design?


For a personal project that possibly no one else is going to use, it's not immediately obvious why I care what features other people might want. But there's a few reasons such a search can be valuable in addition to the obvious that other people might use what I create. First, finding other users wanting the same features I want is validation that those features are good ideas. Other people may have thought of features that I hadn't thought to implement but actually want. And even for features that I am not interested in implementing at the moment, keeping them in mind may affect the design.

Initial ideas#

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Metatables for Factorio reflection mod

The problem#

Using my Factorio reflection library discussed previously involves interacting with Lua values that are a combination of the actual value and some metadata, so you have to know about those values to use them. Worse, the interactions I defined are quite verbose. The main thing you're like to want to do on a value is lookup a property on it. Normally in Lua that looks like


but if instead of table you have a wrapped value from the reflection library, you would look up key on it with

    wrapped, key).value

If you want to do multiple levels of property lookups, then this quickly gets quite unwieldy.

The solution#

Lua supports operator overloading through a mechanism it calls metatables (some additional examples).

Using that mechanism, the library defines a value ReflectionLibraryMod.typed_data_raw that can be indexed as wrapped[key] and assigned to like wrapped[key] = newValue.

The basic setup looks like

local prototype = {} -- table for methods
local mt = {}
mt.__index = function (table, key)
  local res = prototype[key]
    or ReflectionLibraryMod.wrap_typed_object(
        table._private, key))
  if res == nil then
    if key == "_value" then
      res = table._private.value
  return res

mt.__newindex = function (table, key, newValue)
  -- If newValue is a wrapped typed value, then unwrap it.
  if getmetatable(newValue) == mt then
    newValue = newValue._private.value
  table._private.value[key] = newValue

function ReflectionLibraryMod.wrap_typed_object(typedValue)
  if typedValue == nil then
    return nil

  local res = {_private = typedValue}
  setmetatable(res, mt)

  return res

Any additional properties would be defined next to the definition of _value. And any methods would be defined on prototype.

The details#

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Displaying Factorio history

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The problem#

Last week, I got all of the Factorio saves I had been keeping around into a single directory in order by the time they were created. But what should we do with that data? We could load arbitrary saves to see what our base looked like in the past, but loading the saves individually isn't a great way to do that when there's a lot of them.

The solution#

Luckily, I'm not the only one to want screenshots of my Factorio bases, so there are existing mods to do so.

The FactorioMaps Timelapse mod will take a list of saves and generates a web page like this demo that lets you look around your base across time. As the documentation explains, this is not actually a mod you enable for your save, but a script that you place in your mods/ directory that will run Factorio repeatedly to generate screenshots.

To set it up, use a non-Steam install of Factorio and put the saves you want under its saves directory (in a subdirectory named to_screenshot/ in this example). If you downloaded the mod as ZIP file (e.g., by installing the mod from within Factorio), unzip it; alternatively you can clone the GitHub repo or my fork which includes a few minor improvements for when displaying a lot of saves, especially ones less than an hour apart.

# get to Factorio install /mods/ directory
cd factorio/mods
# clone the git repo with the mod's internal name
git clone https://github.com/dperelman/FactorioMaps.git L0laapk3_FactorioMaps
cd L0laapk3_FactorioMaps
# install dependencies
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
# add saves in /saves/to_screenshot/ to timelapse "mybase"
python auto.py --standalone mybase to_screenshot/*

Then you can find the timelapse in the directory script-output/FactorioMaps/mybase/ of your Factorio install; just open index.html in any web browser. Especially if you have a lot of saves, consider adding the --dayonly option to not take twice as much time also generating screenshots of the night view.

Generating screenshots as you play#

Note that if you just want to take screenshots automatically as you play, you can use the Screenshot Toolkit mod, which is what I use for single player games. But due to the way Factorio multiplayer works, doing so impacts every player, so in a multiplayer game it may be better to just copy the saves as the game runs and generate the screenshots later.

The details#

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Ordering saves by date

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The problem#

Last week, I shared a script which continuously backed up game saves whenever the game saved. The result is a series of directories that contain snapshots of the game saves from every autosave. But to view this data, we really want a list of unique files in order marked with the time they were created.

The solution#

The following will create symbolic links to the unique files named after their modification date:

for i in /tank/factorio/.zfs/snapshot/*/*.zip
  ln -sf "$i" "$(stat --printf=%y "$i").zip"

or if you want a custom date format, you can use date:

  ln -sf "$i" "$(date -r "$i" +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).zip"

Alternatively, the following will just list the unique files with their timestamps:

find /tank/factorio/.zfs/snapshot/ -printf "%T+ %p\n" \
    | sort | uniq --check-chars=30

The details#

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Copy on save

The problem#

I was running a Factorio multiplayer server and was being paranoid about making sure I didn't lose any save data. But I also didn't want to put the saves directory on my ZFS file system as it's on a hard drive, not an SSD, and saves taking too long can cause lag for the players (although with non-blocking saving this is much less of an issue).

The solution#

The following script watches the saves/ directory for any new files being written and immediately copies them to the ZFS dataset tank/factorio mounted at /tank/factorio/ and creates a snapshot named with the current date and time. The result is a snapshot corresponding to every time the game saved with the save data.

while true
  inotifywait -r saves/ -e close_write
  sleep 0.1s  # write is to *.tmp.zip, wait for rename
  rsync -avhx saves/ /tank/factorio/
  now="$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
  zfs snapshot tank/factorio@save-"$now"

The details#

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Devlog: Factorio reflection mod

The problem#

When developing the "garbage collector" for the Pacifist mod, I noted that I couldn't actually know which strings should be treated as references. As a workaround, I just assumed all strings were references, which worked well enough, but I wondered if there was a way to get more precise type information. Additionally, when I was trying to figure this out, the developer of exfret's randomizer expressed interest in getting access to such information for that mod.

The solution#

The Factorio documentation includes a machine-readable version of the prototype API documentation. My ReflectionLibrary mod provides access to that information from within a Factorio mod, effectively faking a reflection API for type information on data.raw during the Prototype Stage:

local data_raw = ReflectionLibraryMod.typed_data_raw

local bb = data_raw['blueprint-book']['blueprint-book']
log(bb.inventory_size._type.typeKind)  # prints "literal"
bb.inventory_size = 42
log(bb.inventory_size._type.typeKind)  # prints "alias"
log(bb.inventory_size._type.name)   # prints "ItemStackIndex"

The details#

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JSON to Lua

The problem#

The Factorio documentation includes a machine-readable version of the prototype API documentation. I wanted to be able to access that information from within a mod, which required somehow giving Lua access to a JSON object.

The solution#

Install my branch of json2lua and run it on your JSON file:

$ npm install git+https://github.com/dperelman/json2lua.git\#feature/string-escaping
$ npx json2lua "FILE.json" "FILE.lua"

Note the output is a Lua table literal, so you'll have to add code to actually assign it to a variable to be able to use it.

The details#

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Finding broken {filename} links

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The problem#

I've recently been writing more series of blog posts or otherwise linking between posts using {filename} links. And also I've been adjusting the scheduling of my future planned blog posts, which involves changing the filename as my naming scheme includes the publication date in the filename. Which means there's opportunities for not adjusting the links to match and ending up with broken links between posts.

Pelican does generate warnings like

WARNING  Unable to find './invalid.md', skipping url        log.py:89

but currently building my entire blog takes about a minute, so I generally only do it when publishing. So I wanted a more lightweight way to just check the intra-blog {filename} links.

The solution#

I wrote the script check_filename_links.sh:



find "$content" -iname '*.md' -type f -print0 | 
  while IFS= read -r -d '' filename
    grep '^\[.*]: {filename}' "$filename" |
      sed 's/^[^ ]* {filename}\([^\#]*\)\#\?.*$/\1/' |
      while read -r link
        if [ "${link:0:1}" != "/" ]
          linkedfile="$(dirname "$filename")/$link"
        if [ ! -f "$linkedfile" ]
          echo "filename=$filename, link=$link,"\
               "file does not exist: $linkedfile"

Run it from your content/ directory or provide the path to the content/ directory as an argument and it will print out the broken links:

filename=./foo/bar.md, link=./invalid.md, file does not exist: ./foo/./invalid.md

The details#

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