A Weird Imagination

Streams and socket and pipes, oh my

You know, like "lions and tigers and bears, oh my"… okay, not funny, moving on…

The problem#

There's a lot of different ways to transmit streams of bytes between applications on the same host or different hosts with various reasons you might want to use each one. And sometimes the two endpoints might disagree on which one they want to be using.

The solution#

As it turns out, there actually is a single answer to bridging any two byte streams: socat. The documentation has plenty of examples. Here's a few I made up involving named pipes and Unix sockets to go along with my recent posts:

Bridge a pair of named pipes to a Unix socket#

socat UNIX-LISTEN:test.sock 'PIPE:pipe_in!!PIPE:pipe_out'

Builds a bridge such that a client sees a Unix socket test.sock and the server communicates through two named pipes, pipe-in to send data over the socket and pipe_out to read the data received over the socket.

Connect to Unix socket HTTP server via TCP#

socat TCP-LISTEN:8042,fork,bind=localhost \

For an HTTP server accepting connections via the Unix socket http.sock, makes it also accept connections via the TCP socket localhost:8042.

Forward a Unix socket over an SSH connection#

socat EXEC:"ssh remote 'socat UNIX-CLIENT:service.sock -'" \

Note ssh can do the same without socat (including supporting either side being a TCP port):

ssh -N -L ./proxy-to-remote.sock:./service.sock remote

But that demonstrates combining socat and ssh for getting access to streams only accessible from a remote computer.

The details#

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HTTP over Unix sockets

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The problem#

Previously, I wrote about using named pipes for IPC to allow controlling a process by another process running on the same computer possibly as a different user, with the access control set by file permissions. But I observed that the restricted unidirectional communication mechanism limited how useful it could be, suggesting another design might be better in settings where bidirectional communication including confirmation of commands may be useful.

Is there a good general solution to this problem without losing the convenience of access control via file permissions?

The solution#

Let's use everyone's favorite RPC mechanism: HTTP. But HTTP normally runs over TCP, and even if we bind to localhost, the HTTP server would still be accessible to any user on the same computer and require selecting a port number that's not already in use. Instead, we can bind the HTTP server to a Unix socket, which similar to named pipes, look a lot like a file, but allow communication like a network socket.

Python's built-in HTTP server doesn't directly support binding to a Unix socket, but the following is slightly modified from an example I found of how to get it to:

import http.server
import json
import os
import socket
import sys
import traceback

def process_cmd(cmd, *args):
    print(f"In process_cmd({cmd}, {args})...")

class HTTPHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_POST(self):
        size = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
        body = self.rfile.read(size)
        args = json.loads(body) if body else []
            result = process_cmd(self.path[1:], *args)
            self.send(200, result or 'Success')
        except Exception:
            self.send(500, str(traceback.format_exc()))

    def do_GET(self):

    def send(self, code, reply):
        # avoid exception in server.py address_string()
        self.client_address = ('',)

sock_file = sys.argv[1]
except OSError:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

server = http.server.HTTPServer(sock_file, HTTPHandler,
server.socket = sock


Then you can query the server using curl:

$ ./server.py http.socket &
$ curl --unix-socket http.socket http://anyhostname/foo
[GET response...]
$ curl --unix-socket http.socket http://anyhostname/foo \
    --json '["some", "args"]'
[POST reponse...]

or in Python, using requests-unixsocket:

import requests_unixsocket
session = requests_unixsocket.Session()
host = "http+unix//http.socket/"
r = session.get(host + "foo")
# Inspect r.status_code and r.text or r.json()
r = session.post(host + "foo", json=["some", "args"])
# Inspect r.status_code and r.text or r.json()

The details#

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Client/server over named pipes

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The problem#

Firefox Marionette only allows a single client to connect a time, so I'd like to have a program in charge of holding that connection that can communicate with the other parts of the system that know what I want Firefox to actually do. While a common way of handling this is to run an HTTP server, that seems pretty heavyweight and would allow access to any user on the machine.

This can be generalized to any case where we want to be able to control one program from another on the same computer. Some reasons why we might not be able to simply act from the first program is if the latter has different access permissions or is holding onto some state like, as mentioned, an open socket.

The solution#

The two programs can communicate over a named pipe, also known as a FIFO. The mkfifo command creates one on the filesystem:

$ mkfifo a_pipe
$ chown server_uid:clients_gid a_pipe
$ chmod 620 a_pipe

Then you can use tail -f a_pipe to watch the pipe and echo something > pipe to write to the pipe. To add a bit more structure, here's a very simple server and client in Python where the client sends one command per line as JSON and the server processes the commands one at a time:

# server.py
import fileinput
import json

def process_cmd(cmd, *args):
    print(f"In process_cmd({cmd})...")

for line in fileinput.input():
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Command failed:")
        print(ex, flush=True)
# client.py
import json
import sys

# Run the server.
$ tail -f a_pipe | python server.py
# Send some commands using the client.
$ python client.py cmd foo bar > a_pipe
$ python client.py another_cmd baz > a_pipe

Then the server will print out

In process_cmd(cmd)...
In process_cmd(another_cmd)...

The details#

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Scripting control of web browser

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The problem#

Previously, I showed how to get Firefox to show just the web content without any of the window borders or toolbars. But there's an obvious problem: those UI elements are actually useful for doing things with the browser. We can give a single URL as an argument when we start the browser, and that may be good enough for some use-cases, but what if we want to have more control over what the browser is displaying?

The solution#

Firefox has a feature for running automated tests called Marionette which we can use for automating Firefox outside of the context of running tests. There's an official Python client:

$ pip install marionette_driver
$ firefox --marionette &
$ python
>>> from marionette_driver.marionette import Marionette
>>> client = Marionette('localhost', port=2828)
>>> client.start_session()
{'browserName': 'firefox', ... }
>>> client.navigate('https://example.com/')

If it works, you should see Firefox load the URL https://example.com/.

You can find more information on the available commands on the basics page and the documentation.

The details#

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Experimenting with ZFS

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The problem#

For my recent posts on ZFS, I wanted to quickly try out a bunch of variants of my proposed operations without worrying about accidentally modifying my real ZFS filesystems. Specifically, I wanted to know which ways of copying files would result in more efficiently reusing blocks from existing snapshots where possible.

The solution#

WARNING: The instructions below will modify the ZFS pool tank, which is the default name used in many ZFS examples, and therefore may be a real ZFS pool on your computer.

I strongly recommend doing all of this inside a VM to be sure you are not affecting any real filesystems. I used a VirtualBox VM that I installed Debian on and used the guest additions to share a directory between the VM and my actual machine.

First create a 1 GiB virtual (i.e. in a file instead of a physical device) ZFS pool to run tests on:

fallocate -l 1G /root/tank
zpool create tank /root/tank

Then perform various filesystem operations and inspect the result of zfs list -o space to determine if they were using more (or less) space than you expect. In order to make sure I was being consistent and make it easier to test out multiple variations, I wrote some scripts:

git clone https://git.aweirdimagination.net/perelman/zfs-test.git
cd zfs-test/bin
# dump logs from create-/copy-all- and-measure into ../logs/
# read ../logs/ and print space used as Markdown table
./logs-to-table --links
Create script orig rsync-ahvx rsync-ahvx-sparse rsync-inplace rsync-inplace-no-whole-file rsync-no-whole-file zfs-diff-move-then-rsync
empty 24K 24K✅ 24K✅ 24K✅ 24K✅ 24K✅ 24K✅
random-1M-file 1.03M 1.03M✅ 1.03M✅ 1.03M✅ 1.03M✅ 1.03M✅ 1.03M✅
zeros-1M-file 24K 1.03M❌ 24K✅ 1.03M❌ 1.03M❌ 1.03M❌ 1.03M❌
move-file 1.04M 2.04M❌ 2.04M❌ 2.04M❌ 2.04M❌ 2.04M❌ 1.04M✅
edit-part-of-file 1.16M 2.04M❌ 2.04M❌ 2.04M❌ 1.17M✅ 2.04M❌ 1.17M✅

The details#

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Splitting ZFS datasets

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The problem#

ZFS datasets are a powerful way to organize your filesystems. At first glance, datasets look a lot like filesystems, so you may default to just one or at most a handful per pool. But unlike with traditional filesystems where you have to decide how much of your disk space each one gets when it's created, ZFS datasets share the space available to the entire pool. Since datasets are the granularity at which ZFS operations like snapshots and zfs send/recv work, having more datasets can give you better control over having different backup policies for different subsets of your data, and ZFS scales just fine to hundreds or thousands of datasets, so you don't have to really worry about creating too many.

But if you're me (well, not just me) and you realize this after you already have months of snapshots of a few terabytes of data, how do you reorganize your ZFS pool into more datasets without either losing the snapshot history or ending up wasting a lot of disk space on redundant copies of data?

The solution#

Before doing anything with real data, make backups and confirm you can restore from them.

I do not have a one-size-fits-all solution here; instead I'll outline the general process and recommend you continually review at each step to make sure things look correct and be ready to zfs rollback and retry if you make a mistake or notice a way you could have done something in a more space-efficient manner.

  1. Create the new dataset hierarchy. I'll refer to the old dataset as tank/old and the new dataset root as tank/new.
  2. Do an initial copy of the earliest snapshot you want to keep from the .zfs directory. If it's @first, then the copy command will be rsync -avhxPHS /tank/old/.zfs/snapshot/first/ /tank/new/.
  3. Check your work and possibly delete or dedup files.
  4. zfs snapshot -r tank/new@first
  5. Do an incremental copy of the next snapshot. If it's @second, this may be as simple as rsync -avhxPHS@-1 --delete /tank/old/.zfs/snapshot/second/ /tank/new/, but that will waste space if you have moved files or modified small sections of large files.
  6. Check your work, and make any necessary changes.
  7. zfs snapshot -r tank/new@second
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for each snapshot you want to keep.
  9. zfs rename tank/old tank/legacy && zfs rename tank/new tank/old

The details#

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Recreate moves from zfs diff

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The problem#

When doing an incremental backup, any moved file on the source filesystem usually results in recopying the file to the destination filesystem. For a large file this can both be slow and possibly waste space if the destination keeps around deleted files (e.g. ZFS holding on to old snapshots). If both sides are ZFS, then you can get zfs send/recv to handle all of the details efficiently. But if only the source filesystem is ZFS or the ZFS datasets are not at the same granularity on both sides, that doesn't apply.

zfs diff gives the information about file moves from a snapshot, but its output format is a little awkward for scripting.

The solution#

Download the script I wrote, zfs-diff-move.sh and run it like

zfs-diff-move.sh /path/ /tank/dataset/ tank/dataset@base @new

The following is an abbreviated version of it:

zfs diff -H "$3" "$4" | grep '^R' | while read -r line
  get_path() {
    path="$(echo -e "$(echo "$line" | cut -d$'\t' "-f$3")")"
    echo "${path/#$2/$1}"

  from="$(get_path "$1" "$2" 2)"
  to="$(get_path "$1" "$2" 3)"
  mkdir -vp -- "$(dirname "$to")"
  mv -vn -- "$from" "$to" || echo "Unable to move $from"

The details#

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Borderless browser window

The problem#

Web browser UIs have a lot more than just displaying the web page, which is useful when using them as a browser, but clutters the screen if all we want is to define what is displayed on part of the screen using HTML. So, can we get Firefox into a mode where it really does show just the website and nothing else? Firefox does have a fullscreen mode that does that, but it covers an entire monitor.

The solution#

To hide all of the Firefox menus and toolbars, put the following in the chrome/userChrome.css file under your Firefox profile directory (you will likely want to create a separate profile from the one you use for web browsing):

#TabsToolbar, #TabsToolbar-customization-target,
#nav-bar, #urlbar-container, #searchbar {
  visibility: collapse !important;

To hide the window border and titlebar, compile toggle-decorations.c and run

firefox &
./toggle-decorations $(xdotool selectwindow)

and then click on the Firefox window once it opens. It may be easier to bind it to a hotkey with xdotool getactivewindow or use some other way to identify the window.

The details#

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Fullscreen mode on part of screen

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The problem#

Many applications have a fullscreen mode that has a different interface from their windowed mode. For example, many media players will show just the video in fullscreen mode but include media controls in windowed mode. But, especially if you have a large monitor, you may want to use that interface while only having the application take up part of your monitor.

The solution#

I could not find a solution that works on every window manager.

The window manager handles resizing the application when it switches to fullscreen, so the most straightforward way to accomplish this is to not run a window manager. Problem solved! Unfortunately, window managers are really useful, so outside of some niche cases where you're positioning windows with xdotool, that's probably not what you want.

There's a "fakefullscreen" option in some forks of the very configurable window manager dwm: base dwm with the fakefullscreen patch always does fullscreen that way, the instantWM fork has a hotkey Super+Shift+F that toggles fake fullscreen for a window, and awesome can be configured to do the same.

For more common window managers, there is a solution, but more than two virtual monitors requires an xorg-server newer than 21.1.10 (which is the most recent release at time of writing, so you would have to compile it yourself), and in my tests, it only worked on Compiz, and not Mutter, KWin, or Xfwm. Use xrandr 1.5+ to define virtual monitors on sections of your monitors and then maximizing or fullscreening applications should respect those boundaries:

xrandr --setmonitor lefthalf 960/217x1080/132+0+0 LVDS-1
# This is a hack, should be "LVDS-1", not "none".
xrandr --setmonitor righthalf 960/217x1080/132+960+0 none

where the the geometery specification format is w/mmwxh/mmh+x+y (mmw/h="millimeters width/height") and LVDS-1 is the name xrandr gives to my physical monitor. Note that xorg-server 21.1.10 and older have a limit of one virtual monitor per physical monitor which we can circumvent by putting the second virtual monitor on "none".

The details#

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Status of long-running copy

The problem#

When running an incremental backup with rsync with the --progress flag, it often spends lot of time outputting nothing as it scans through many unchanged files. If you think of it before starting the transfer, --info=progress2 or the name2/skip2 --info flags would give more detail, but once the transfer has been going for a while, you probably don't want to cancel and restart it so you can add those flags.

The solution#

The documentation and this StackExchange answer say you can send a SIGVTALRM signal to rsync version 3.2.0+ and it will output its current progress, but that wasn't working for me.

As a workaround, you can use strace to get a running log of which files rsync is looking at, which includes files it skips without actually opening:

strace --attach="$(pidof rsync)" --trace=openat

(If that's not showing anything, try removing the --trace=openat filter and seeing if there's other syscalls with paths to filter on.)

Alternatively, this StackExchange answer suggests a way to see the currently open files including their sizes (including directories but not unchanged files being inspected):

watch lsof -p"$(pidof rsync | tr ' ' ',')"

(The same should work for a recursive cp/mv/rm.)

Similarly, for getting the status of a transfer of a single large file, this answer attempts to read the files cp is reading/writing to give a running percentage of how much it has copied; a similar approach might work for rsync.

The details#

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