A Weird Imagination

Troubleshooting ZFS upgrade

The problem#

I had recently done an apt upgrade that included upgrading ZFS and noticed zpool status showed a weird "(non-allocating)" message, which seemed concerning:

$ zpool status
  pool: tank
 state: ONLINE

    tank         ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-0   ONLINE       0     0     0
        ata-***  ONLINE       0     0     0  (non-allocating)
        ata-***  ONLINE       0     0     0  (non-allocating)

errors: No known data errors

The solution#

This forum thread suggested the error may be due to a version mismatch between the ZFS tools and the kernel module. I confirmed there was a mismatch:

$ zpool --version

The easy way to load the new version of a kernel module after an update is to reboot the computer. But if you don't want to do that, here's the general outline of the commands I ran to unload and reload ZFS (run as root):

# Stop using ZFS
$ zfs umount -a
$ zpool export tank
$ service zfs-zed stop
# Remove modules
$ rmmod zfs
$ rmmod spl
# will show error: rmmod: ERROR: Module spl is in use by: ...
# repeatedly rmmod dependencies until spl is removed.

# Reload ZFS
$ modprobe zfs
$ service zfs-zed start
$ zpool import tank

The details#

Example commands as root#

As most of the commands in this post require root, I've omitted explicitly putting sudo before every command. I've mostly tried to write # to indicate a root prompt (e.g. from running sudo -i) to distinguish from a $ user prompt for commands that do not require root, although I did not do so in the previous section because I wanted lines starting # to get rendered as comments.

Unmounting filesystems#

zfs umount -a will try to unmount all ZFS filesystems and for any filesystem it cannot unmount, it will print a message like

cannot unmount '/mnt/tank/foo': pool or dataset is busy

lsof can determine what programs are keeping the dataset busy:

$ lsof /mnt/tank/foo
bash    3529432 perelman  cwd    DIR  0,101        6   34 /mnt/tank/foo

That shows there's a bash shell open to that directory, so simply changing that shell to a directory not mounted by ZFS is sufficient. (Or there's the more aggressive solution of using the PID to kill the process.)

Once all of the ZFS filesystems are unmounted, you can stop the remaining software using ZFS by "exporting" the pool:

# zfs export tank

and unloading the ZFS daemon:

# service zfs-zed stop

Unloading kernel module#

If a kernel module is unused, it's straightforward to remove with modprobe or rmmod:

# modprobe -r zfs
modprobe: FATAL: Module zfs is in use.

Well, not so simple, since we have to remove modules that depend on it as well. We can find out what modules are using a module by running lsmod:1

$ lsmod | grep zfs
zfs                  6565888  8
zzstd                  15344  2 zfs
znvpair                14643  2 zfs
zcommon                15654  2 zfs
zavl                   13354  2 zfs
spl                   147456  6 zfs,icp,zzstd,znvpair,zcommon,zavl

If you're unsure what a module is, the modinfo command is one source of additional information:

# modinfo spl | grep description:
description:    Solaris Porting Layer

Even though there's no "z" in the name, that seems likely to be only for ZFS as ZFS was originally part of Solaris.

Initially, unloading the zfs module did not require unloading the other modules, but then when I tried to load the new version, I got an error:

# modprobe zfs
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'zfs': Invalid argument

Not a super informative error message, but module loading/unloading often generates messages in dmesg and I found some details there:

# dmesg | tail
zfs: disagrees about version of symbol spl_kmem_cache_create
zfs: Unknown symbol spl_kmem_cache_create (err -22)
zfs: disagrees about version of symbol __cv_wait_io_sig
zfs: Unknown symbol __cv_wait_io_sig (err -22)
zfs: disagrees about version of symbol taskq_create
zfs: Unknown symbol taskq_create (err -22)

Seeing the comment about spl_kmem_cache_create first suggested that I needed to load the latest version of the spl module in order to load the new version of the zfs module.

Unloading spl#

Of course, spl had multiple modules depending on it, so I couldn't just remove it:

# modprobe -r spl
modprobe: FATAL: Module spl is in use.

rmmod gave more informative error messages, so I used it to determine what to actually unload:

# rmmod spl
rmmod: ERROR: Module spl is in use by: icp zzstd znvpair zcommon zavl
# rmmod spl icp zzstd znvpair zcommon zavl
rmmod: ERROR: Module spl is in use by: icp zzstd znvpair zcommon zavl
rmmod: ERROR: Module znvpair is in use by: zcommon
# rmmod zcommon
rmmod: ERROR: Module zcommon is not currently loaded
# rmmod spl znvpair
rmmod: ERROR: Module spl is in use by: znvpair
# rmmod spl

As you can tell from this log, rmmod doesn't do anything smart with the list of modules to remove, it just tries them in order, so you need to give the dependencies first, then the module that depends on them. Or just rerun the command and get some messages about modules not being loaded because they've already been removed.

Removing the other stale modules#

Now with the spl module removed, I got a new error message:

# modprobe zfs
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'zfs': Exec format error

I checked and saw spl was loaded (presumably the new version) and zfs was not:

# lsmod | grep spl
spl                   163840  0
# lsmod | grep zfs
# lsmod | grep zcommon

Checking dmesg again, I found

# dmesg | tail -1
zfs: exports duplicate symbol luaL_argerror (owned by zlua)

and noticed zlua was still loaded:

# lsmod | grep zlua
zlua                  233472  0

After rmmod zlua, I got a similar message about zunicode:

# dmesg | tail -1
zfs: exports duplicate symbol u8_strcmp (owned by zunicode)

But after that, modprobe zfs succeeded and I restarted the zfs-zed service:

# service zfs-zed start

Checking zpool --version, I confirmed the correct version was now being used:

$ zpool --version

Upgrading the pool#

I brought the pool back online:

# zpool import tank
# zpool status
  pool: tank
 state: ONLINE
status: Some supported and requested features are not enabled on the pool.
        The pool can still be used, but some features are unavailable.
action: Enable all features using 'zpool upgrade'. Once this is done,
        the pool may no longer be accessible by software that does not support
        the features. See zpool-features(7) for details.

    tank         ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-0   ONLINE       0     0     0
        ata-***  ONLINE       0     0     0
        ata-***  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

and the message about "(non-allocating)" was in fact gone. But there was a new message about zpool upgrade.

This StackExchange answer points out that zpool get all tank | grep feature@ will list the new features and man zpool-features has information on all of the features (not linking because you may need to run it on your own machine to get the latest information on features):

# zpool get all tank | grep feature@
tank  feature@async_destroy          enabled                        local
tank  feature@empty_bpobj            active                         local
tank  feature@lz4_compress           active                         local
tank  feature@zilsaxattr             disabled                       local
tank  feature@head_errlog            disabled                       local
tank  feature@blake3                 disabled                       local
tank  feature@block_cloning          disabled                       local
tank  feature@vdev_zaps_v2           disabled                       local

You can also get the list of features to be added by an upgrade by running zpool upgrade without the pool name:

# zpool upgrade
This system supports ZFS pool feature flags.

All pools are formatted using feature flags.

Some supported features are not enabled on the following pools. Once a
feature is enabled the pool may become incompatible with software
that does not support the feature. See zpool-features(7) for details.

Note that the pool 'compatibility' feature can be used to inhibit
feature upgrades.


But be careful as the very similar command zpool upgrade tank will actually apply the upgrades to the pool tank:

# zpool upgrade tank
This system supports ZFS pool feature flags.

Enabled the following features on 'tank':

If you decide to be careful and not upgrade, you can tell zpool to stop nagging you by setting the compatibility property.

Alternatively, you can run zpool upgrade tank to upgrade, but mind this is not reversible, so don't do it unless you actually want the new features and are really sure you'll never need to read your ZFS pool with an older version of ZFS.

  1. Sorry, that lsmod output is faked based on my recollection as it's no longer within my terminal history and I can't load the old version of the modules to recreate it. 


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