A Weird Imagination

Extracting Tametsi puzzles

The problem#

Tametsi (available on Steam1) is a great logic puzzle game that is a collection of Minesweeper puzzles that can be solved without guessing. The game consists of 100 puzzles plus 60 "bonus" puzzles. The bonus puzzles are in the game directory in an XML-based format that another player has documented well enough that they have even created some puzzles of their own and a viewer for those files. But the base 100 puzzles are nowhere to be found in the puzzle directory, and I had ideas for

The solution#

Given the file DumpPuzzles.java:

public class DumpPuzzles {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Loading puzzles sets the graph on
        //  Game's MouseHandler, so it has to exist.
        game.Game.mh = new io.MouseHandler(null);

        for (int i = 1; i <= 111; i++) {
                new puzzle.Puzzle(i),
                String.format("puzzle_%03d.puz", i));

put it in the same directory as tametsi.exe2 and run

$ javac -classpath tametsi.exe DumpPuzzles.java 
$ java -classpath tametsi.exe:. DumpPuzzles

Then the puzzles/ directory will be full of files named puzzle_001.puz, etc.

The details#

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Shadowrun's text compression

The problem#

Several years ago, I was in a ROM hacking IRC room where another regular Alchemic was reverse engineering the text system of the SNES game Shadowrun. He figured it out and wrote a python script to decompress the text but had some questions about why it was designed the way it was. So we're going to walk through figuring out how the code works, with some help from his notes, and try to understand the design.

If you don't want spoilers and would rather try to reverse engineer it yourself, just read up to the end of the Trace format section and see how much you can figure out on your own.

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