A Weird Imagination

Devlog: Factorio reflection mod

The problem#

When developing the "garbage collector" for the Pacifist mod, I noted that I couldn't actually know which strings should be treated as references. As a workaround, I just assumed all strings were references, which worked well enough, but I wondered if there was a way to get more precise type information. Additionally, when I was trying to figure this out, the developer of exfret's randomizer expressed interest in getting access to such information for that mod.

The solution#

The Factorio documentation includes a machine-readable version of the prototype API documentation. My ReflectionLibrary mod provides access to that information from within a Factorio mod, effectively faking a reflection API for type information on data.raw during the Prototype Stage:

local data_raw = ReflectionLibraryMod.typed_data_raw

local bb = data_raw['blueprint-book']['blueprint-book']
log(bb.inventory_size._type.typeKind)  # prints "literal"
bb.inventory_size = 42
log(bb.inventory_size._type.typeKind)  # prints "alias"
log(bb.inventory_size._type.name)   # prints "ItemStackIndex"

The details#

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