A Weird Imagination

Logging online status

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The problem#

I used to have an occasionally unreliable internet connection. I wanted logs of exactly how unreliable it was and an easy way to have notice when it was back up.

The solution#

Use cron to check online status once a minute and write the result to a file. An easy way to check is to confirm that google.com will reply to a ping (this does give a false negative in the unlikely event that Google is down).

To run a script every minute, put a file in /etc/cron.d containing the line

* * * * * root /root/bin/online-check

where /root/bin/online-check is the following script:


# Check if computer is online by attempting to ping google.com.
PING_RESULT="`ping -c 2 google.com 2>/dev/null`"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && ! echo "$PING_RESULT" | grep -F '64 bytes from 192.168.' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo "`date '+%Y-%m-%d %T%z'` $ONLINE" >> /var/log/online.log

The details and pretty printing#

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