A Weird Imagination

Generating specialized word lists

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The problem#

I've been playing Codenames online a lot lately (using my fork of codenames.plus), and a friend suggested it might be fun to have themed word lists. Specifically, they suggested Star Trek as a theme as it's a fandom that's fairly widely known. They left it up to me to figure out what should be in a Star Trek themed word list.

The solution#

If you just want to play Codenames with the list, go to my Codenames web app and select one or both of the Star Trek card packs. If you just want the word lists, you can download the Star Trek: The Next Generation words and the Star Trek: Deep Space 9 words.

To generate a word list yourself (I used this source for the Star Trek scripts), you will need a common words list like en_50k.txt which I mentioned in my previous post on anagram games, and then pipe the corpus through the following script (which you will likely have to modify for the idiosyncrasies of your data):

set -euo pipefail

NUM_COMMON=2000 # Filter out the most common 2000 words
<en_50k.txt head "-$NUM_COMMON" | cut -d' ' -f1 |\
    sort | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' >"$COMMON_WORDS"

# Select only dialogue lines (in Star Trek scripts)
grep -aP '^\t\t\t[^\t]' |\
    # Split words
    tr ' .,:()\[\]!?;"/\t[:cntrl:]' '[\n*]' |\
    sed 's/--/\n/' |\
    # Strip whitespace
    sed 's/^\s\+//' | sed 's/\s\+$//' |\
    grep -av '^\s*$' |\
    # Strip quotes
    sed "s/^'//" | sed "s/'$//" |\
    # Filter out numbers
    grep -av '^[[:digit:]]*$' |\
    tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' |\
    # Fix for contractions not being in wordlist
    sed "s/'\(S\|RE\|VE\|LL\|M\|D\)$//" |\
    grep -av "'T$" |\
    # Remove some more non-words
    grep -avF '-' |\
    grep -avF '&' |\
    # Count
    sort | uniq -c |\
    # Only keep words with >25 occurrences
    awk '{ if ($1 > 25) { print } }' |\
    # Remove common words
    join -v2 -22 -o 2.1,2.2 "$COMMON_WORDS" - |\
    # Sort most common words first
    sort -rn


The output of the script will require some manual effort to decide which words really belong in the final list, but it's a good start.

The details#

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