A Weird Imagination

Metatables for Factorio reflection mod

The problem#

Using my Factorio reflection library discussed previously involves interacting with Lua values that are a combination of the actual value and some metadata, so you have to know about those values to use them. Worse, the interactions I defined are quite verbose. The main thing you're like to want to do on a value is lookup a property on it. Normally in Lua that looks like


but if instead of table you have a wrapped value from the reflection library, you would look up key on it with

    wrapped, key).value

If you want to do multiple levels of property lookups, then this quickly gets quite unwieldy.

The solution#

Lua supports operator overloading through a mechanism it calls metatables (some additional examples).

Using that mechanism, the library defines a value ReflectionLibraryMod.typed_data_raw that can be indexed as wrapped[key] and assigned to like wrapped[key] = newValue.

The basic setup looks like

local prototype = {} -- table for methods
local mt = {}
mt.__index = function (table, key)
  local res = prototype[key]
    or ReflectionLibraryMod.wrap_typed_object(
        table._private, key))
  if res == nil then
    if key == "_value" then
      res = table._private.value
  return res

mt.__newindex = function (table, key, newValue)
  -- If newValue is a wrapped typed value, then unwrap it.
  if getmetatable(newValue) == mt then
    newValue = newValue._private.value
  table._private.value[key] = newValue

function ReflectionLibraryMod.wrap_typed_object(typedValue)
  if typedValue == nil then
    return nil

  local res = {_private = typedValue}
  setmetatable(res, mt)

  return res

Any additional properties would be defined next to the definition of _value. And any methods would be defined on prototype.

The details#

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Devlog: Factorio reflection mod

The problem#

When developing the "garbage collector" for the Pacifist mod, I noted that I couldn't actually know which strings should be treated as references. As a workaround, I just assumed all strings were references, which worked well enough, but I wondered if there was a way to get more precise type information. Additionally, when I was trying to figure this out, the developer of exfret's randomizer expressed interest in getting access to such information for that mod.

The solution#

The Factorio documentation includes a machine-readable version of the prototype API documentation. My ReflectionLibrary mod provides access to that information from within a Factorio mod, effectively faking a reflection API for type information on data.raw during the Prototype Stage:

local data_raw = ReflectionLibraryMod.typed_data_raw

local bb = data_raw['blueprint-book']['blueprint-book']
log(bb.inventory_size._type.typeKind)  # prints "literal"
bb.inventory_size = 42
log(bb.inventory_size._type.typeKind)  # prints "alias"
log(bb.inventory_size._type.name)   # prints "ItemStackIndex"

The details#

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JSON to Lua

The problem#

The Factorio documentation includes a machine-readable version of the prototype API documentation. I wanted to be able to access that information from within a mod, which required somehow giving Lua access to a JSON object.

The solution#

Install my branch of json2lua and run it on your JSON file:

$ npm install git+https://github.com/dperelman/json2lua.git\#feature/string-escaping
$ npx json2lua "FILE.json" "FILE.lua"

Note the output is a Lua table literal, so you'll have to add code to actually assign it to a variable to be able to use it.

The details#

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