A Weird Imagination

Copy on save

The problem#

I was running a Factorio multiplayer server and was being paranoid about making sure I didn't lose any save data. But I also didn't want to put the saves directory on my ZFS file system as it's on a hard drive, not an SSD, and saves taking too long can cause lag for the players (although with non-blocking saving this is much less of an issue).

The solution#

The following script watches the saves/ directory for any new files being written and immediately copies them to the ZFS dataset tank/factorio mounted at /tank/factorio/ and creates a snapshot named with the current date and time. The result is a snapshot corresponding to every time the game saved with the save data.

while true
  inotifywait -r saves/ -e close_write
  sleep 0.1s  # write is to *.tmp.zip, wait for rename
  rsync -avhx saves/ /tank/factorio/
  now="$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
  zfs snapshot tank/factorio@save-"$now"

The details#

Watching for changes#

Similar to my script for compiling on save, this uses inotifywait to wait for a file to be written. The one difference is the -r (--recursive) option to watch the entire saves/ directory.

In testing, I noticed the filename detected by inotifywait wasn't actually the save filename save.zip, but save.tmp.zip. The game presumably is trying to avoid save corruption by writing the entire save out to a separate file before doing the very fast and safe operation of renaming it over the existing save file.1 But in order to avoid accidentally managing to start the copy before that rename happens, I put in that sleep 0.1s, but I doubt it actually matters.

Watching your documents#

While researching rsync settings, I came across an example in the Arch wiki, suggesting a setup of using inotifywait and rsync to automate backups of a documents directory triggered on save.

Naming the snapshot#

Names of things in ZFS are not allowed to have many symbols, only _, -, :, and . (and, apparently, space). Using a timestamp is an easy way to ensure a unique2 and relatively meaningful name for the snapshots. As a trade-off between avoiding symbols and readability, I chose a date format that mostly uses - except for _ to separate the date from the time.

Incremental backups#

This is effectively a somewhat convoluted incremental backup system, using ZFS's snapshots to make the backups incremental instead of using hardlinks. Which means if you aren't using ZFS (or even just don't want to create a separate dataset at your backup granularity for some reason), you could use incremental backup software to do essentially the same thing.

rsync can do incremental backups using the --link-dest option, given the most recent backup to compare to (using the Bash recommended way to find the newest file):

# Find the most recent backup folder.
files=(/tank/factorio/*) prev=${files[0]}
for f in "${files[@]}"; do
  if [[ $f -nt $prev ]]; then

now="$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
rsync -avhx --link-dest="$prev" saves/ "/tank/factorio/$now/"

Note the --link-dest path is relative to the destination directory, not relative to the current working directory. Using absolute paths for --link-dest avoids that confusion.


There are also many backup tools which internally use rsync but provide additional features to help use it as a backup system. One popular one is rsnapshot. One difference is it will create numbered backups instead of timestamped ones, and it will only create a finite number of them: one of the things it automates is letting you set how long to retain backups so you can set policies like "keep the last 30 daily backups and the last 12 monthly backups". For most backups some limit to retention is probably desired, but you might want to keep all of your game saves (or maybe you don't).

  1. Note this also means that any save named like save.tmp will be overwritten whenever save is saved. So don't name your Factorio saves names that end in ".tmp". 

  2. Timestamps are only unique if you're sure you won't have to events in the same second. In this case, the events are saves that take more than a second to complete and are scheduled every several minutes anyway. And it's unlikely you actually want backups at sub-second granularity, but when using timestamps as unique identifiers do take a second to consider that's true for your usecase. 


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