The problem#
I want my computer to act differently when I'm actively using it as opposed to away from. I almost always lock the screen when I step away from my computer, so I want to have the same signal do more than just start the screensaver.
The solution#
Save the follow script which is slightly modified from the example in
the man page for xscreensaver-command
my $blanked = 0;
open (IN, "xscreensaver-command -watch |");
while (<IN>) {
if (m/^(BLANK|LOCK)/) {
if (!$blanked) {
system "on-xscreensaver-lock";
$blanked = 1;
} elsif (m/^UNBLANK/) {
system "on-xscreensaver-unlock";
$blanked = 0;
if ($blanked) {
system "on-xscreensaver-unlock";
Either call it from your ~/.xsessionrc
file or just
manually run from a terminal in your X session. I run it from a
session so I can reattach to it and see the output:
screen -d -m -S xscreensaver-watch
My on-xscreensaver-lock
and on-xscreensaver-unlock
are below and may be a good starting place, but yours will probably be
different depending on your needs.
The details#
My lock/unlock scripts#
echo "In on-xscreensaver-lock..."
for pidfile in ~/tmp/run/kill-on-lock/*.pid
kill "$(cat "$pidfile")"
rm "$pidfile"
# Mute audio
pactl set-sink-mute 0 1
mkdir -p $PIDDIR --limit=1 -e firefox \
-e firefox-esr -e chromium -e chrome &
echo $! > "$PIDDIR/"
echo "In on-xscreensaver-unlock..."
for pidfile in ~/tmp/run/kill-on-unlock/*.pid
kill "$(cat "$pidfile")"
rm "$pidfile"
mkdir -p $PIDDIR
unmute-on-netflix-focused &
echo $! > "$PIDDIR/"
joystickwake &
echo $! > "$PIDDIR/"
PID file handling#
The two scripts communicate via directories containing PID files: all of the long-running tasks that run only while the screensaver is active are killed when it is stopped and vice versa. That way the tasks can be ended without the scripts needing to know which tasks the other one runs.
If there were many long-running scripts to run, I could have listed them in a directory instead of directly putting them in the script:
for script in on-xscreensaver-lock.d/*
"$script" &
echo $! > "$PIDDIR/$(basename "$script").pid"
... but that seemed like over-engineering for what the script actually does.
CPU limiting#
The main reason I have this script is to use
my browser CPU limiting script to stop web browsers
from using my processor while the screensaver is on. Web browsers are
entirely for content I am actively reading and interacting with: any
computation a web browser is doing while I'm not at my computer is
wasted. That argument applies to most other applications as well, but
I've only encountered problems with web browsers and can easily add more
programs to the list if necessary. Also note that I don't bother using
the --watch-interval
option because no new web browser processes are
likely to start while I'm not actively using the web browser.
Sound handling#
I never want my computer to play sound when I'm not actively using it, so I mute the sound when the screensaver activates. To make this less of an inconvenience, when the screensaver stops, I run the script to automatically unmute the sound when Netflix is active.
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