A Weird Imagination

Checking for unsafe shell constructs

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Filenames are troublesome#

While shell programing lets you write very concise programs, it turns out that the primary use case of working with files is unfortunately much harder than it seems. That detailed article by David A. Wheeler does a good job of explaining all of the various problems that a naive shell script can run into due to various characters which are allowed in filenames which the shell treats specially in some way.

One surprising one is that filenames beginning with a dash (-) can be interpreted as options due to the way globbing works in the shell. Suppose we set up a directory as follows:

$ cat > -n
Some secret text.
$ cat > test
This is a test.
It has multiple lines.

Quick, what will cat * do here?

$ cat *
     1  This is a test.
     2  It has multiple lines.

Probably not what you wanted. The reason that happens is that the * is expanded by the shell before being fed to cat, so the command executed is cat -n test and -n gets interpreted not as a filename but as an option telling cat to number the lines of the output.

The workaround is to use ./* instead of *, so the - will not actually be the first character and therefore will not get misinterpreted as an option. But there are many other things that can go wrong with unexpected filenames and remembering to handle all of them everywhere is error-prone.

Warnings for unsafe shell code#

The solution is shellcheck. shellcheck will warn you about mistakes like the cat * problem and many other issues you may not be aware of.

As I have many shellscripts around that I wrote before learning about shellcheck, I wanted to run it on all of the shell scripts (but not binaries or other language scripts) in my ~/bin directory, so naturally I wrote a script to do so:


find -exec file {} \; \
    | grep -F 'shell script' \
    | sed s/:[^:]*$// \
    | xargs shellcheck

This uses the file command to identify shell scripts and then selects out their file names to run shellcheck on all of them using xargs.

Warnings in Vim#

shellcheck is written to support integration into IDEs. I use Vim to edit shell scripts, so I installed the syntastic (using Vundle which makes installing Vim plugins off GitHub very easy). Note to follow the instructions on the Syntastic page, specifically the recommended settings: without any settings it won't do anything at all. Once set up, it automatically runs shellcheck on every save, identifies lines with warnings and shows a list of warnings that can be double-clicked to jump to the location of the warning.

If you use the other text editor, then the shellcheck website recommends the flycheck plugin.

sh Rube Goldbergs

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The problem#

The command-line is an expressive interface which allows powerful commands to be written concisely. Sometimes you want a longer, less direct way of implementing a task. For example, merely writing wc -l is far too straightforward for counting lines in a file. Surely we can devise a more convoluted way to accomplish that task.

The solution#

cat "$file" |
    expr $(od -t x1 |
    sed 's/ /\n/g' |
    grep '^0a$' |
    sed -z 's/\n//g' |
    wc -c) / 2

The details#

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Logging online status

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The problem#

I used to have an occasionally unreliable internet connection. I wanted logs of exactly how unreliable it was and an easy way to have notice when it was back up.

The solution#

Use cron to check online status once a minute and write the result to a file. An easy way to check is to confirm that google.com will reply to a ping (this does give a false negative in the unlikely event that Google is down).

To run a script every minute, put a file in /etc/cron.d containing the line

* * * * * root /root/bin/online-check

where /root/bin/online-check is the following script:


# Check if computer is online by attempting to ping google.com.
PING_RESULT="`ping -c 2 google.com 2>/dev/null`"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && ! echo "$PING_RESULT" | grep -F '64 bytes from 192.168.' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo "`date '+%Y-%m-%d %T%z'` $ONLINE" >> /var/log/online.log

The details and pretty printing#

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Tracker troubles

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I use a Nokia N9 as my cell phone, largely because its MeeGo operating system is Linux based and in fact the command-line can be used very similarly to any other Debian system. This also means Linux sysadmining skills can be used to work around bugs in this sadly no longer supported platform.

The N9 stores a lot of its state including contacts, messages, and call logs in an SQLite database called tracker. It turns out many people have had trouble with it failing, resulting in the contacts app showing the error Can't import contacts and the messaging the phone apps also showing no data. Those threads offer various solutions on how to get your phone back to a working state. In my case, I followed the instructions, and my phone worked fine for several months before failing in the same way again.

I followed the instructions a second time but noticed that it was giving disk full errors. On further inspection, it was clear that the disk wasn't actually full: it was actually out of inodes. After some work which led to my previous blog post, I found /home/user/.cache/telepathy/avatars/gabble/jabber/ had hundreds of thousands of files (and I don't have that many friends). Simply deleting them freed up all of the inodes and I haven't had any troubles since, although I've been making regular backups just in case.

Recovering (some) lost data#

While the files have been deleted, they may not have been overwritten yet, so there may be some hope of a partial recovery. The data for tracker is stored in /home/user/.cache/tracker/. df has the useful side effect of revealing which filesystem a directory is on:

$ df /home/user/.cache/tracker/
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p3         2064208    793712   1165640  41% /home

Attempting data recovery on a mounted partition is a bad idea as the unused space might get overwritten by new files; it's best to make a copy of it. Now that we know where the filesystem is, we can copy it using dd:

dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p3 | ssh $hostname dd of=$file

Then we can examine the partition offline. Particularly strings and grep with its -A and -B options can search for known strings like names and phone numbers and nearby content. For example, searching for a phone number without spaces should find at least some of the associated text messages:

strings partdump | grep -A3 -B3 -F '+19175551212'

Unfortunately, this method is slow and unreliable. I've used it to recover a few text messages and a few phone numbers, but there's no clear way to automate it, so do not expect to recover all of your contacts and text messages this way.